St. Cecelia's Parish in Adams, NY 60th Anniversary Commission Piece

I started this piece as a challenge to myself. I wanted to work with smalti and to see how my style has changed/ evolved. I had the cartoon drawing and original XMas Card in my studio. On impulse, I traced the image on a piece of art board and began working on the faces and the gold accents. Father Marty contacted me and asked If I could make something to commemorate his church's 60th anniversary which is on June 18, 2017. Divine Intervention. 

Cutting  Halo was a real challenge because I wanted it to be one piece. After I started the piece I realized I hadn't painted the artboard gray as I had in the past. Thought a bit and painted the cartoon drawing which was how I was taught by Gi…

Cutting  Halo was a real challenge because I wanted it to be one piece. After I started the piece I realized I hadn't painted the artboard gray as I had in the past. Thought a bit and painted the cartoon drawing which was how I was taught by Gina Hubler. My Hubby says I should call the piece " Birth of a Pope"  because the babe looks like he has a little white hat on.   I worked 2 hours setting the first babe face. Chipped it out and redone with 4 hours of work but that includes the blanket. 

Another 5 hours of work. I have just enough purple smalti to finish the Madonna's dress. 

Another 5 hours of work. I have just enough purple smalti to finish the Madonna's dress.