I am going to add to my collection of shoes. These are a size 15 men’s shoes and a size 6 ladies. Currently adding layers of rigid wrap! I knew the products name would come to me. The men’s shoes have a cylinder of sculpting wire inside for added support because the leather was very soft and floppy.
I am currently working on a dress form I made about 10 years ago using a decorative wrought iron stand I bought at Hobby Lobby. Using sculpting wire and a elastoplast/ cast like material. ( real name escapes me at the moment🤣) Using Lexel as the glue and it’s been a challenge placing square tiles in positions that should really be keystoned. Painters tape is holding tiles in place. I am clueless as to what to do with the rest of it.
RepurPosed Cookie Trays
These two cookie trays were destined to the trash bin. They are quite heavy duty with years of use. Not much flex, but I added some large tiles to the back to give some more support. Tesserae includes: glass tiles/ gems, virtuous tiles, mirror glass, glass fusions, and ceramic tiles. For outdoor installation.
CONCLUSION of Pot Series
I had so many tiles leftover from past projects. Here are the final results. The largest ones are very heavy.
Mosaic Hearts
Not much to say here. Did not turn out as expected but that’s ok.
Pots and More Pots
Leftovers from past projects.
Andrea’s Mirror Complete
Working with transparent smalti attached to mirror was a challenge. I used MAC glue which dried quickly but did have the quick grab ai had hailed for. Patience is important.
Andrea Greene, an Aunt of a good friend, gave me this mirror years ago. I recycled it into a mosaic. First, I painted the frame and went from there. Working with transparent smalti is a bit of a challenge. Size is about 12” x 13”.
Fifteen Hearts
Finally completed after four months of work. Size is 15” x 28”.
Added a Bit of Greenery
I added some artificial greens to the bases. The piece needs more dimension. Easy to change.
Finally Complete
And what to entitle this piece……. So i chose Trio of Blooms! Finally completed and I feel a celebration is in order. Size is 25” x 20” and quite heavy. Tesserae includes jewelry, stained glass, mirror glass, tempered glass, millefiori, smalti, glass tiles, glass pebbles and porcelain vases.
Grouting this piece has been a real chore as I used slate blue and yellow. Masking and sealing . Currently, working on bits for the white circles. Tried millefiori but did not like the look. Tried jewelry, too busy. So into the kiln went some frit bits as an experiment which was an epic failed….TWICE! But I will come up with. something.
Sometimes it is a best to let Piece’s sit and Percolate
Current WIP
No clue where I am going with this final panel dre
BeJeweled Tulip Panel Zwei
Second in the series. Lots of time and energy put into the background. All smalti is hand cut. I used the same mix in each panel in the background though panel 2 appears darker.
Bejeweled Tulip Panel Uno
Panel number one of Bejeweled Tulip is complete. Not what I envisioned but will do. Size is 18” x 24. First in a series of three
Contrast …… when will I learn
Totally disgusted right now. Trying to figure out how to make the jeweled flower pop and I have 2 of these panels going,
Two large panels. Trying get my mosaic mojo going again.
Onto the Next Project
My parents’ coffee table which I did years ago. Old glass removed with my Dad’s chisel. Sanding comes next.
Chest of Drawers
Finally completed this chest of drawers with drawer pulls attached. Has taken me over 6 months to complete. Many setbacks but finally finished. The top is a bit lack luster but I always have something sitting atop so it’s usually an afterthought.